速報APP / 工具 / Telepreneur Android

Telepreneur Android





版本需求:Android 2.1 以上版本




Telepreneur Android(圖1)-速報App

TELEPRENEUR ANDROID is an Android application specifically intended to automate all Telepreneur Corp. transactions such as:

Sell Product Using Gateway

Sell Product Using 4483


Telepreneur Android(圖2)-速報App

Activate Retailers

Load Credit Balance Inquiry

Cfund Inquiry

Convert Cfund

Telepreneur Android(圖3)-速報App

Encash Cfund

Gateway Number

Transfer Load Credit


Telepreneur Android(圖4)-速報App

Bank Deposits


1. List of all e-loading products of Telepreneur Corp. are embedded in TELEPRENEUR ANDROID. Using Android's powerful search engine, the user will just type two to three letters of the product name or description and TELEPRENEUR ANDROID will filter the list and display search hits right away, just like Google.

2. TELEPRENEUR ANDROID will remove all unwanted spaces from the user's inputs such as Customer Cellphone Number, Account Number, Reference Number, etc. eliminating human errors that will result into failed transaction.

Telepreneur Android(圖5)-速報App

3. The Gateway Number which is needed in every transaction can be saved in the memory of the phone for faster transaction. The conservative average time duration spend for every transaction is 14 seconds (2 seconds for product search, 11 seconds for the typing of Customer Cellphone Number, and 1 second for sending).

4. All the SMS formats like dates, times, etc. were taken into consideration by TELEPRENEUR ANDROID eliminating human errors that will result to failed transaction.

Telepreneur Android(圖6)-速報App